Bush Beans Seeds | Kutti Beans - Mini's Lifestyle Store- Buy Seeds in India
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Bush Beans Seeds | Kutti Beans

Regular price ₹ 30.00 Sale price ₹ 35.00 Unit price per
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Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 10
Common Name Egyptian kidney bean, Indian bean
Height 12.00 to 15.00 feet
Bloom Time July to August
Difficulty Level easy to grow

Planting And Care

  • Feed plants on a regular basis before and throughout the blooming cycle (avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides if you're harvesting for the kitchen)
  • Once a month between August and Nov, apply a balanced granular fertilizer (5-10-5 or 5-10-10)
  • Allow ¾ to 1 cup for each bush, and sprinkle it around the drip line, not against the stem

France Beans Hybrid Selection Care

  • Plant where they will receive a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of full sun per day
  • Plants grown in weak sun may not die at once, but they weaken gradually
  • Give them plenty of organic matter when planting and don't crowd them
  • Wear sturdy gloves to protect your hands from prickly thorns
Sunlight Full sun to part shade
Watering Medium
Soil well-drained soil
Temperature 40 °C to 60 °C

Apply any organic fertilizer (Vermicompost, Stear Meal, Neem Cake )

France Beans Uses

Medicinal Use:

  • Bean pods are effective in lowing blood sugar levels and can be used (with the concurrence of a doctor) for mild cases of diabetes
  • A bean pod diet for this purpose would mean eating 9-16 lb
  • of pods per week (they can be cooked like vegetables)
  • Dried pods are particularly to be used in conjunction or rotation with other efficacious herbs